Victorian London - Crime - Pornography and Indecency - unnatural offences

MARLBOROUGH STREET-  On Monday a respectably-dressed gray-haired elderly person, who gave the name of Richard Simpson on the charge-sheet, but who is a wealthy baronet, whose name was not further divulged than that was Sir F-, as they person who was going to give the name corrected himself in time, was charged in company with George Stacey, butler to Sir Frederick Roe, with indecently exposing and behaving themselves in Hyde-park on Saturday night last.
Police-sergeant Everitt, 17 A, stated, that while on duty in Hyde-park, in company with police-constable Guy, 72 A, about five minutes to 9 o'clock on Saturday evening, they saw the two defendants walk together towards "a woody clump of trees," near the gravel-pits. They hid themselves behind a tree, and watched them (the prisoners). The witness then described the manner in which they acted towards each other. While they were acting so, and he and the constable watching, a man and women crossed the path, and the prisoners moved to the railing by the side of the gravel-pit. They then separated for two or three yards, and after looking about to see whether they were observed, again joined company, and stood five or six minutes with their heads inclined, as if they were looking at the grass. Witness and his brother constable "pounced upon them," and found their trousers were unbuttoned ...

The Times, Wednesday, Feb 15, 1843

It appeared that in the evening of 29th July the prosecutor had occasion to go into an urinal near St. George's Hospital, when he was immediately followed by the prisoner, who pushed against him and demanded money, at the same time threatening to him with having committed an indecent assault upon him if he did not comply with his demand ...

The Times, Monday August 24, 1846

    Thomas Lane, a coffeehouse keeper, No.9, Love-lane, Eastcheap, city, and James Mortimer, a seaman, were charged with unlawfully meeting each other to commit an unnatural offence.
    John Darnton, a porter employed by the Brighton Railway Company, proved seeing the prisoners grossly misconducting themselves in a urinal in Tooley-street about half-past 3 o'clock in the afternoon. With the assistance of Mr. Arthur Casey, a builder, of Camberwell, and Police-constable 191 M, the prisoners were secured.
    The Magistrate committed both prisoners for trial.

The Times, February 16, 1863