Victorian London - Education - Schools - Bedford College for Ladies

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Bedford College for Ladies York-place, Portman-square, is under the management of a council, and undertakes to give a thorough education to girls and young women. Students are not admitted under 14 years of age, and may either pursue a systematic course of study as regular students, or select any number of separate classes as occasional students. The work is intended to prepare ladies desirous of matriculating and graduating at the University of London. All information may be obtained of the hon. secretary at the college. 

Charles Dickens (Jr.), Dickens's Dictionary of London, 1879

BEDFORD COLLEGE FOR LADIES, 7, 8, 9 & 10, York-pl, Baker-st, is under the management of a council, and gives a good education to young women. Students are not admitted under sixteen years of age, and may either pursue a systematic course of study or select any number of separate classes. The work is suitable for ladies desirous of matriculating and graduating at the University of London. There are lectures in biology, chemistry, and physics, and there are various laboratories for the use of students. All information may be obtained of the hon. secretary at the college. 

Charles Dickens Jr. et al, Dickens Dictionary of London, c.1908 edition
(no date; based on internal evidence)