Victorian London - Education - Universities and College - St. Mark's Training College

ST. MARK'S TRAINING COLLEGE, Chelsea, was established for training schoolmasters for the National Society. The College, fronting King's-road, is of Italian design; the Chapel, facing the Fulham-road, is Byzantine; to the west is an octagonal Practicing School; and the grounds contain about fifteen acres. Time term of training is three years: it comprises, with general education, the industrial system, as the business of male servants in the house, managing the farm produce, and gardening. Still, the religious service of the Chapel is, as it were, the keystone of the system of the College.  There are also other training institutions connected with the National Society.*

* Kneller Hall (between Hounslow and Twickenham) was formerly in the possession of Sir Godfrey Kneller, who pulled down the manor-house and erected a new house on the same site, as inscribed upon a stone: "The building of this house was begun by Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bart, A.D. 1709. It had a sumptuously painted staircase, by Kneller's own hand. The hall was almost wholly taken down, and a Training School was built upon its site.

John Timbs, Curiosities of London, 1867