Victorian London - Entertainment and Recreation - Theatre and Shows - Theatres - Hippodrome (1900-)

see also Music-Hall London - click here

HIPPODROME (THE).- This large building in Cranbourne-st, close to Leicester-sq, has especial facilities for producing short pieces with wonderful scenic effects, having a moving stage, a water arena, and special lighting effects. Aided by these powerful accessories, and in addition to a varied programme, there is always something of a highly sensational character proceeding here with consequent crowded houses. Two performances, 2 and 8 daily. Prices: Private boxes, £1 1s to £4 4s; fauteuils, 5s.; stalls 4s.; grand circle 4s.; circle 3s.; amphitheatre stalls, 2s., and amphitheatre, 1s. It should be noted that smoking is permitted here in the evening only, not at the morning performance.

Charles Dickens Jr. et al, Dickens Dictionary of London, c.1908 edition
(no date; based on internal evidence)