Victorian London - Health and Hygiene - Hospitals - list of hospitals and dispensaries


The readiest way to arrive at any of these noble Institutions is to slip down under a loaded omnibus in a neighbouring thoroughfare, from which spot the journey is easy and pleasantly performed on a shutter, with a large train of attendants, who readily offer their services to escort you. These edifices have in view the provision of subjects for anatomy, the pecuniary benefit of their officers, and the trial of new remedies upon a class of mortals who, from their resigned tractability, are termed patients; whilst the wards form an agreeable promenade for a number of studious and scientific young men of the day.
    They are principally under the female jurisdiction of a matron, nurses, and governors, the heads of the latter conjointly forming a board.
    The attributes of the gentlemen walking the various hospitals may be thus enumerated:-
    GUYS - Half-and-half, anatomical fracas, and billiards
    ST. THOMAS'S - Half-and-half, anatomical fracas, and billiards
    ST. GEORGE'S - Doings at Tattersalls
    LONDON - Too remote to be ascertained
    UNIVERSITY - Conjuring, juggling and mesmerism
    BARTHOLOMEW'S - State of Smithfield Markets
    MIDDLESEX - Convivial Harmony
    CHARING-CROSS - Dancing at the Lowther-rooms
    KING'S COLLEGE - Has not yet acquired any peculiarity
    WESTMINSTER - Dashes of all the others combined. 

Punch, Jan.-Jun. 1842

In the article on Hospitals and similar institutions, many of which are at once an ornament and honour to the metropolis, the following benevolent, and, to the poor, very beneficial establishments having been omitted, are here introduced to the reader's notice; viz. Greville Street Free Hospital for malignant fevers, in Greville Street, Hatton Garden; Queen Adelaide's Lying-in Hospital, Queen Street, Golden Square; The Ophthalmic Infirmary, King William Street, Strand; and, recently, the establishment, in a quarter where it was much wanted, of King's College Hospital, in Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, which latter, as its name implies, is in connection with King's College, at Somerset House.

Mogg's New Picture of London and Visitor's Guide to it Sights, 1844


Under the general head of HOSPITALS, &c., it is found convenient to include all public institutions fir the relief of sickness and disease, whether such institutions are wholly dependent upon the payment of those benefitted, of which, however, there is no other instance than the Sanatorium initiated  by Mr. Dickens, but now defunct; or only partially so, of which there are several instances; whether the gratuitous assistance given arise from royal endowment, as at St. Bartholomew's, St. Thomas's, Bethlehem, and others; from the munificence of individuals, as at Guy's; or from the voluntary gifts or annual contributions of the public, as is the case with the greater number. So, also, although the word hospital, in the restricted sense in which it is more commonly used, denotes only such institutions as receive patients within their walls; yet in this chapter are included those which merely afford relief to patients at their own homes or attending at the institution, those where advice only is given, and those which also supply medicines, instruments, &c.; as well too those in which curable diseases only are treated, as those where arrangements are made for assuaging incurable disorders;  in fact, public establishments of all kinds, whether general, special, gratuitous, or the reverse, which offer medical or surgical relief. It will, however, be convenient to divide them into four classes:-
    As 1. General Hospitals. 2. Special Hospitals. 3. General Dispensaries. 4. Miscellaneous: including dispensaries, infirmaries, medical asylums, maternity charities, &c.
    The GENERAL HOSPITALS are public institutions for administering medical and surgical relief to patients within the building (in-patients), or attending at specified times (out-patients), and suffering under any illness or disease, except such as are incurable or contagious: for which latter infirmaries or special hospitals are the proper places. They are twelve in number; their names follow in the order of their localities: St. Mary-le-bone, St. George's, Westminster, Charing Cross, Middlesex, King's College, University College, Royal Free, London, St. Bartholomew's, Guy's, St. Thomas's.
    It may be said generally of these hospitals that their incomes depend more or less (except in the case of Guy's) upon voluntary contributions; that they are each of them, in most instances, under the management of a board of governors, whose qualification is a donation or yearly subscription of a certain amount; that the medical treatment is administered by a certain number of non-resident physicians and surgeons, elected by the governors and unpaid; by one or more resident house-surgeons, also unpaid, who are generally young men, not long out of their pupillage, and not in private practice; and one or more resident and paid apothecaries. Each physician and surgeon has his own peculiar patients and days of attendance, the resident medical officers taking charge of them under his supervision.
    The patients are admitted through the recommendation of a governor on stated days only, except in cases of emergency; the Royal Free Hospital affording, however, an exception to this general rule, as sickness alone, without any recommendation, is considered to give a claim to admission. 
    There is attached to each hospital a school for the instruction of medical students, either within the walls of the institution or in some neighbouring building, where the chief lecturers and instructors are generally the medical officers of the hospital, who are, in most cases, permitted by the governors to take hospital pupils, the fees paid by whom are the only emolument which these officers receive. Of these general hospitals seven were in existence before the commencement of this century, containing 2000 beds; during this century five others have been founded, and the beds now in all twelve amount to 3326. There is room, however, for upwards of 4000 beds. Their united incomes are 111,000l. from property; 32,000l. from contributions. In the year 1849 there were 330,000 patients; of whom 33,260 were in-patients; 296,740 out-patients.
    THE SPECIAL HOSPITALS are some of them restricted to particular classes of persons:- such are the Seamen's Hospital Society; the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Hospital; the German Hospital. Others are confined to a particular class of diseases or ailments:- such are the London Fever Hospital; the Consumptive Hospital; the Hospital for Diseases peculiar to Women; Hospital for Children; the Small-Pox Hospital; The Royal London Ophthalmic; Royal Eye Infirmary; Royal Westminster Ophthalmic; North London Ophthalmic; Central London Ophthalmic; the Orthopodic; the Verral and Harrison's Hospitals for spinal and other deformities; the Fistula Infirmary; the Lock Hospital for Venereal Disease; Bethlehem, St. Luke's, and Hanwell, Lunatic Asylums; the Hospital for Idiots; the Female Invalid Asylum; the Home for Female Invalids; the Metropolitan Convalescent Institution; four Lying-in Hospitals; to which may be added, the Sea Bathing Infirmary. These make what may be called 30 Special Hospitals, having altogether 2900 beds. Twenty-one of them were founded during this century. In the year 1800 they furnished 1230 beds. They receive annually about 9100 in-patients.
    DISPENSARIES are by no means the least useful institutions for the relief of the suffering poor. There are in London and its immediate vicinity about 35 that may be classed under the title of General Dispensaries, their purpose being to relieve the sick, infirm, and lying-in at their own houses or at the institutions. Some of these are "provident" institutions; that is to say, the relief is not wholly charitable, but a small weekly or periodical subscription is necessary to entitle a person to the benefits of attendance during a sickness.
    There is a dislike among the metropolitan poor, and indeed the English poor generally, to entering a hospital, so that these dispensaries are of very great benefit, particularly the provident institutions, as they have none of the humiliating effects which charitable relief produces on some minds, while they encourage the domestic feelings and promote habits of economy and prudence. They are pretty fairly distributed throughout the metropolis; 4 being in the north, 3 in the south, 12 in the east, 8 in the west and 8 central. This arrangement, according to their localities, is that adopted by Mr. Low, from whose very valuable book, "The Charities of London," has been derived the very greatest assistance in the compilation of this chapter on Hospitals and particularly as regards the dispensaries and minor medical charities. Of these general dispensaries 13 existed in the year 1800. In the year 1849 they relieved 141,000 patients. Their incomes amount to 14,424l.; from contributions, 11,470l.; from property, 2954l.
The MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS, which are not included in the above classes, are some 21 in number. They are establishments of various kinds, and under various names, as asylums, infirmaries, dispensaries, &c., which do not receive in-patients : such are institutions for delivering women at their own homes, Truss Societies, Asthma Infirmaries, Vaccine Institutions, Institutions for diseases of the Skin and Ear &c. Of these four existed before the year 1800. In the year 1849, 67,000 patients partook of their benefits.

The Pictorial Handbook of London, 1854

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Hospitals, Dispensaries, &c.?The following are the principal hospitals, dispensaries &c their specialties, when not sufficiently indicated by their titles, and the address of the official to whom application for admission should be made.?(See also DOCTORS and  BOOKS OF REFERENCE.)
BETHLEHEM (ROYAL) HOSPITAL, Res. Phys., St. George?s-rd, Southwark.  Curable lunatics of educated class.
BOURNEMOUTH NATIONAL SANATORIUM, Secretary, 21, Regent-street. Convalescents from consumption
BROMPTON HOMEOPATHIC DISPEN., Dispenser, 9 to 11a.rn., Brompton
BROWN INSTITUTION, Wandsworth-road, Wandsworth, SW. Diseases of domestic animals
CANCER HOSPITAL, Sec., 167, Piccadilly; or Surg., Hospital, Brompton. Free, without letters of recom.
CANCER, ST.  SAVIOUR?S HOSPITAL FOR, Sec., Osnaburgh-st, Regent?s-pk. Treatment without knife
CHARING CROSS HOSPITAL, West Strand. Severe cases at all times admitted
CHILDREN, BELGRAVE HOSPITAL FOR, 72, Winchester-st, Eccleston-sq.
CHILDREN, EVELINA HOSP. FOR SICK, Sec., Southwark-bridge-rd, S.E. For poor children only
CHILDREN, HOS. FOR SICK & INCUR., Hon. Sec., 46, Cheyne-wk, Chelsea.  Payment of 4s. per week
CHILDREN, N.-E. LONDON HOSPITAL FOR, Sec, 27, Clement?s-lane, E.C.
CHILDREN, N.W. LONDON, FREE DISPENSARY, 2, Bell-st, Edgware-rd.  Children under 12 years of age
CHILDREN, THE VICTORIA HOSP. FOR, Sec.,  Queen?s-rd, Chelsea, S.W.
CHIL. & WOM. ROYAL INFIRMARY FOR DIS. OF, Sec., 51, Waterloo-br-rd
CITY DISPENSARY 46, Watling street,Cheapside. Medicine and attendance
CITY OF LONDON & EAST LONDON DISPEN., 35,Wilson-st, Finsbury, E.C. The destitute sick
CLAPHAM GENERAL DISPENSARY, 42, Manor-street, Clapham
CONSUMPTION, BROMPTON HOSPITAL FOR, Secretary, Brompton, S.W. Diseases of the chest
CONSUMPTION, INFIRMARY FOR, Secretary, 26, Market-st, W. Diseases of chest and throat
CONSUMPTION, NORTH LONDON HOSP. FOR, Sec., 216, Tottenham-ct-rd. And diseases of chest
CONSUMPTION, ROYAL NATIONAL HOSP. FOR, Sec., 12, Pall Mall, SW. And diseases of chest
CONVALESCENT HOME, FEM., Lady Sup., 2, Redcliffe-sq, S. Kensington. 8s. per week
CONVALESCENT HOME, Clerk. Merch. Taylors? Co. 33, Threadneedle-st.  Convalescents from London hos.
CONVALESCENT HOME, LONDON AND DOVER, Lady Superin., Dover. 7/6 per wk. worn. & chil., 9s. men
CONVALESCENT HOME, Housekeeper, Hope-cottage, Hampton Court.. Fem. serv., &c., small weekly fee
CONVALESCENT HOME , Matron, Dowlands, Rottingdean, Brighton .. Ophthalmic, strumous, &c.
CONVALESCENT HOME, Secretary, Hazlewood, Ryde, Isle of Wight .. Commercial, 10s. 6d. or 21s.p. w.
CONVALESCENT HOME, Secretary, 4, Vicarage-place, Kensington
CONVALESCENT HOME, ST. MARY?S, Matr., 79 & 80, High-st, Hastings Respectable fem. cony. 10s. a wk
CONVALESCENT HOSP., Hon. Sec., London Hos., Whitechapel-road.. Non-subs. 10s.; subs., 3s. a wk.
CONVALESCENT HOSP., ST. ANDREW?S, Sister Sup., Clewer, near Windsor. With subscriber?s letter, free
CONVALESCENT INSTITUTION, METROPOLITAN, Sec., 32, Sackville-street. Patients from London hospitals
DENTAL HOSPITAL OF LONDON, Medical Officers, Leicester-sq, W.C... Gratuitous relief
DENTAL HOSPITAL, NATIONAL, 149, Great Portland-street, W.. Gratuitous relief of poor
DISEASES OF THE SKIN, HOSPITAL FOR, Sec, 52, Stamford-st, Blackfriars. Gratuitous treatment
EAR, RL. HOSP. (late RL. DISP.) FOR DIS. OF, Sec., 66, Frith-st, Soho-sq.
EASTERN DISPENSARY, Resident Medical Officer, Leman-st, Whitechapel. Medical and surgical treatment
EMANUEL HOSPITAL, Chaplain, Little James-street, Westminster. Homes and pensions
FEVER.?LONDON FEVER HOSPITAL, Sec., Liverpool-rd, Islington, N.  Contagious fevers
FINSBURY DISPENSARY, Secretary, Brewer-street, Goswell-road .. Advice, attendance, & medicine
GERMAN HOSPITAL, Sec., Dalston-place, Dalston, E., and Ritson-road.. Germans & others in case of acc.
GREAT NORTHERN HOSPITAL, Secretary, Caledonian-road, N.  Free general hospital for sick poor
GREENWICH, ROYAL HOSPITAL, Sec. of the Admiralty, Whitehall, S.W. Seamen of R.N. and Marines
GUY?S HOSPITAL, application, St. Thomas?s-street, Southwark, SE.
HAVERSTOCK HILL & MALDEN-ROAD PROV. DISP., Sec., 132, Malden-rd. Monthly payments
HOLLOWAY AND NORTH ISLINGTON DISP., Sec., Palmer-pl, Holloway. Poor not receiving paro. relief
INCURABLES, BRITISH HOME FOR, Secretary, 73, Cheapside, E.C.
INCURABLES, ROYAL HOSPITAL FOR, Sec, 106, Queen Victoria-st E.C.
INEBRIATES, HO. FOR FEM., Lady Sup., St. James?s-house, Kennington-pk. Female inebriates
ISLINGTON DISPENSASY, Secretary, 303, Upper-street, Islington.. .. Advice and medicines
ISLINGTON AND NORTH LONDON PROV. DISPEN., Sec., 58, Liverpool-rd.  Small subscription
JEWS? HOSPITAL AND ORPHAN ASYLUM, Sec., 13, Spital-square, E.
KENSINGTON DISPENSARY, Sec., Vicarage-place, Church-st, Kensington. Poor of parish not rec. par. relief
KENT (ROYAL) DISPENSARY, Hon. Sec., 64, Greenwich-road, S.E. .. Medicine, midwifery, &c., gratis
KENTISH TOWN DISPENSARY, Resident Med. Officer, Kentish Town .. Medical advice and treatment
KING?S COLLEGE HOSPITAL, Med. Officers, Portugal-st, Lincoln?s-inn, W. In & out-door med. & surg. aid
LOCK HOSPITAL, FEMALE DEPARTMENT, Westbourne-green, Harrow-rd
LYING-IN, BRITISH HOSPITAL FOR, Matron, Endell-street, Long Acre .. Poor married women
LYING-IN, CITY OF LONDON HOSPITAL FOR, Sec., City-rd, corner of Old-st  Ditto
LYING-IN, CHAR., FARRINGDON DIS. AND, Med. Offi., 17, Bartlett?s-bdgs. Res. med. off. & med. surg. treat.
LYING-IN, GENERAL HOSPITAL FOR, Sec., 1a, Frederick-pl, Old Jewry
LYING-IN, QUEEN CHARLOTTE?S HOSP. FOR, Sec., 191, Marylebone-rd.  Married. Single with first ch. only
MATERNITY, NOTTING HILL PROV. DISP. &, 43, Portland-rd, Notting-hl. Notting Hill & Shepherd?s Bush
METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL. Sec., 81, Commercial-street, E. Sickness and injuries
MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL (THE), Charles-street, Berners-street, W.  Sick, lame, and cancer patients
NERVOUS DIS., WEST-END HOSPITAL FOR, Sec., 73, Welbeck-st, W. Paralysis, epilepsy, &c.
NERVIOUS SYSTEM, HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF, Portland-terrace, N.W.  Paralysis, epilepsy, &c.
OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, WESTMINSTER, Sec., 19, King William-st, W.C. Free to the poor and indigent, advice and medicine
ORPH. CHlL., SEASIDE HOME FOR CONVALESCENT, Sec., 73, Cheapside Chil. of Orphan Working School
ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, Secretary, 27, Hatton-garden, E C. Deformities of all kinds
ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, NATIONAL, 234, Great Portland-street, W. .. Distort, of spine, club foot, &c.
ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, ROYAL, 315, Oxford-st, and 15, Hanover-sq, W. Club-foot, and all deformities
POPLAR HOSPITAL, Barking-road, near East India Docks        
PUBLIC DISPENSARY, 59, Stanhope-street, Clare Market.  Medical and surgical relief
QUEEN ADELAIDE?S DISPENSARY, Surg., Pollard-row, Bethnal Green-rd. Medicine and advice
ROYAL CHELSEA HOSPITAL, Secretary, Queen?s-road, Chelsea, S.W. .. Old or disabled Army pensioners
ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL, Gray?s-inn-road, W.C   Poor of all nations
ROYAL SOUTH LONDON DISPENSARY, Sec., St. George?s-cross, Southwark Advice and medicine gratis
ST. AGNES HOSPITAL, Sister in Charge, 85, Newman-st, Oxford-st, W... Fallen women seriously ill
ST. GEORGE, HANOVER-SQ. PROV. DISPENSARY, 59 Mount-st, Berkeley-sq. Poor of the parish
ST. GEORGE & ST. JAMES?S GEN. DIS., Sec., 6o, King-st, Regent-st, W. Lying-in women at own homes.
ST. GEORGE HOSPITAL, Hyde-park-corner, S.W.  General
ST. JOHN?S WOOD, &c., DISPENSARY, Ordnance-road, St. John?s Wood.  St. John?s Wd. & Portland Tn
ST. KATHARINE?S HOSPITAL, Master, Regent?s-park. Persons appointed by H.M.
ST. LUKE?S HOSPITAL, Secretary, Old-street, E.C. Lunatics
ST. MARK?S HOSPITAL, City-road, Secretary, E.C. Diseases of rectum
ST. MARYLEBONE GEN. DISPEN. Sec., 77, Welbeck-st, Cavendish-sq. 
ST. MARY HOSPITAL, Sec., Cambridge-place, Paddington, W. General
ST. PAUL AND BARNABAS DISPENSARY, 148, Upper Ebury-street, S.W. Aid on provident principle
ST. THOMAS?S HOSPITAL, Steward, Albert Embankment, Westminster-br.  General
SAMARITAN FREE HOSPITAL, Sec., 1, Dorset-street, Manchester-square.  For women and children
SEA-BATHING INFIRMARY, ROYAL, Sec., 1, Queen-st, Cheapside, E.C... Scrofulous patients only
SEAMEN, CONVALESCENT HOS. FOR, Sec., Seamen?s Hos., Greenwich.. Seamen of all nations
SEAMEN?S HOSPITAL SOCIETY (DREADNOUGHT), Secretary, Greenwich.. Seamen of all nations
SEASIDE CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL, Sec., 36, Southampton-st, Strand.. Each order available for 1 month
SICK CHILDREN, HOSPITAL FOR, Secretary, 49 Great Ormond-st, W.C. Also for training nurses
SICK CHILDREN, INFIRMARY FOR, Director, 19, Stepney-causeway,
STONE AND URINARY DISEASES, S. PETER?S HOS., 54, Berners-st, W. No recommendation required
TEMPERANCE HOSPITAL, Secretary, 112, Gower-street, W.C   Treatment without alcohol
THROAT & EAR, CENTRAL LONDON HOSPITAL, Hon. Sec.. Gray?s-inn-rd.  Entirely free to the indigent
TOWER HAMLETS DISPENSARY, Hon. Secretary, 5, Finsbury-circus
WEST LONDON HOSPITAL, Hammersmith-road, W. General
WESTERN DISPENSARY, Secretary, Rochester Row, Westminster .. General
WESTERN GENERAL DISPENSARY, Sec., 264, Marylebone-road, N.W. .. Relief of sick poor of district
WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL, Broad-sanctuary, Westminster, SW.  General
WOMEN, CHELSEA HOSPITAL FOR, 178, King?s-road, Chelsea, S.W. .. For poor and paying patients
WOMEN, NEW HOSPITAL FOR, 222, Marylebone-road, W. Treat. from qualified wom. phys.
WOMEN, THE HOSPITAL FOR, Secretary, Soho-square, W.
WOMEN AND CHILDREN, HOSP. FOR, Hon. Sec., 4, Vincent-sq, Westm.

Charles Dickens (Jr.), Dickens's Dictionary of London, 1879

[The following is selective information from:-

Burdett's Hospitals and Charities, 1900, being the Year Book of Philanthropy and the Hospital Annual. London : The Scientific Press Ltd., [1900]

The original text contains fuller information about eg. no. of beds,  no. of people treated, funds etc. for each institution, ed.]


University of London, Burlington Gardens, W.
Royal College of Physicians, Pall Mall East, S.W.
Royal College of Surgeons of Engalnd, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C.
Society of Apothecaries of London, Blackfriars, E.C.

Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, Chandos Street, Strand, W.C.
Cooke's School of Anatomy, Physiology and Operative Surgery, 40, Brunswick Square, W.C. Founded 1870
Dental Hospital of London Medical School, 9 Leicester Square, W.C. Founded 1859
Guy's Hospital - Medical School, London Bridge, S.E.
King's College Medical School
London Hospital Medical College, Turner Street, Mile End, E.
London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women, 8 Hunter Street, Brunswick Square, W.C.
Middlesex Hospital Medical School, Cleveland Street, W. Established 1835
National Dental Hospital Medical College, Great Portland Street, W. Established May, 1877.
St. Bartholomew's Hospital Medical School
St. George's Hospital Medical School, Hyde Park Corner, S.W.
St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, South Wharf Road, Paddington, W.
St. Thomas's Hospital Medical School, Albert Embankment, S.E.
University College Hospital Medical School, Gower St., N.W.
Westminster Hospital Medical School, Caxton Street, S.W.


Alexandra Hospital for Children with Hip Disease, Queen Square, Bloomsbury, W.C. Established 1867, Rebuilt 1899.

Belgrave Hospital for Children, 77 and 79 Gloucester Street, Warwick Square, Pimlico, S.W. Established 1867.

Blackheath and Charlton Cottage Hospital, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E. Estatblished 1880. New Buildings, 1884. New Hospital, May, 1889.

Bolingbroke Hospital (Incorporated), Wandsworth Common, S.W. Established 1880. Incorporated 1897.

British Hospital for Skin Diseases, 29 Euston Road, King's Cross, N.W. Founded 1864.

British Lying-In Hospital, Endell Street, St. Giles, W.C. Founded 1749; rebuilt 1849

Cancer Hospital (Free), Fulham Road, Brompton, S.W. Established 1851.

Central London Ophthalmic Hospital, 238a Gray's Inn Road, W.C. Founded 1843.

Central London Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital, Gray's Inn Road, W.C. Established 1873.

Charing Cross Hospita, Agar Street, West Strand, W.C. Founded 1820.

Chelsea Hospital for Women, Fulham Road, S.W. Established 1871.

City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, Victoria Park, E. Established 1848.

City of London Lying-In Hospital, City Road, E.C. Established 1750; New Building 1771.

City Orthopaedic Hospital, 26 and 27 Hatton Garden, E.C. Established 1850.

Clapham Maternity Hospital, 41 and 43 Jeffreys Road, Clapham, S.W. Branches: Dispensaries for Diseases of Women and  Children, 131 Clapham Road, 2 Albert Road, and 346 Wandsworth Road; Battersea Maternity Branch for Out-Patients, St. John's House, 31 and 33 Albert Road, Battersea, S.W. Founded 1889.

Dental Hospital of London, 40 Leicester Square, W.C. Established 1858.

Ealing Cottage Hospital and Provident Dispensary. Established: Dispensary 1869; Hospital 1871; enlarged, 1873, 1886, 1893; New Dispensary Building, 1896.

"East End Mother's Home," 394 and 396 Commercial Road, E. Founded 1884 in Glamis Road, Shadwell, E., as "The Mother's Lying-in Home."

East London Hospital for Children and Dispensary for Women, Glamis Road, Shadwell, E. Established 1868.

Establishment for Gentlewomen during Temporary Illness, 90 Harley Street, W. Opened 15th March, 1850.

Evelina Hospital for Sick Children, Southwark Bridge Road, S.E. Established 1869.

French Hospital and Dispensary, 172 Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. Founded 1867. New Hospital, 1890.

General Lying-in Hospital, York Road, Lambeth, S.E. Established 1765; Incorporated 1830.

German Hospital, Dalston Lane, N.E. and Ritson Road, Dalston, N.E. Established 1845.

Gordon Hospital for Fistula and other Diseases of the Rectum, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. Founded as the "West Hospital for Fistula, etc." in 1884; Name changed 1886; Rebuilt 1899.

Great Northern Central Hospital, Holloway Road, N. Established at King's Cross, 1856; amalgamated with the "Central Hospital for North London," 1884; New Hospital 1887.

Grosvenor Hospital for Women and Children, Vincent Square, Westminster, S.W. Established 1866. Reconstituted 1884. Rebuilt 1895-7

Guy's Hospital, St. Thomas Street, Borough, S.E. Founded by Thomas Guy, 1724

Hampstead Hospital, Parliament Hill, N.W. Established 1882.

"Her Majesty's Hospital" (National Waif's Assocation) (Dr. Barnardo's Homes), 13 to 19 Stepney Causeway, E. For Children. Rebuilt and enlarged 1887.

Home and Infirmary for Sick Children, Sydenham Road, Lower Sydenham, S.E. Established 1872

Home Hospitals Association (for Paying Patients), Fitzroy House, 16 and 17 Fitzroy Square, W.  Established 1877

Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Brompton, S.W. Established 1841; Incorporated 1850; Extension opened 1882.

Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, 52 Stamford Street, Blackfriars, S.E. Established 1841

Hospital for Diseases of the Throat, Golden Square, W. Founded 1863.

Hospital for Epilepsy and Paralysis, and other Diseases of the Nervous Systsem, 32, Portland Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. Established 1866

Hospital for Sick Children, The Great Ormond Street, Bloomsbury, W.C. (Convalescent Branch : Cromwell House, Highgate, N.) Established 1852. Rebuilt 18745. Enlarged 1893 and 1899.

Hospital for Women, The, Soho Square, W. Established 1842; incorporated by Royal Charter, 1887.

Hospital for Women and Children (for Paying Patients), 9, Lupus Street, S.W. Founded 1884.

Hospital of St. Francis, 145 New Kent Road, S.E. Founded 1897; Registered 1898

Italian Hospital, Queen Square, Bloomsbury, W.C. Established 1884.

King's College Hospital, Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. Founded 1839; Incorporated 1851.

Lady Gomm Memorial Mission House and Accident Hospital, Hawkestone Road, Rotherhithe, S.E. Founded in 1883.

Leyton, Walthamstow, and Wanstead Children's and General Hospital, Oxford Road, Walthamstow, E. Established 1878. Enlarged 1894.

London Fever Hospital, Liverpool Road, Islington, N. Established 1802

London Homoeopathic Hospital, Great Ormond Street, W.C. Established 1849

London Hospital, Whitechapel Road, E. Founded 1740; enlarged 1840, 1865, 1876, 1886, 1891

London Lock Hospital and Rescue Home, Female Hospital and Rescue Home, Harrow Road, W.; Male Hospital and Out-Patient Department, 91 Dean Street, Soho, W. Established 1746. Rescue Home 1787.

London Skin Hospital, 40 Fitzroy Square, W. Established at 47 Cranbourne Street, March 1887; moved to present address, 1891. In-Patient Dept. opened 1891.

London Temperance Hospital, Hampstead Road, N.W. Established 1873

London Throat Hospital for Diseases of the Throat, Nose and Ear, 204 Great Portland Street, W., and 72 Bolsover Street, W.  Established 1887

Memorial Cottage Hospital, Mildmay Park, N. Established 1883

Metropolitan Asylums Board Hospitals.

Brook Fever Hospital, Shooters Hill, Kent. Established 1896
Eastern Fever Hospital, The Grove, Homerton, N.E. Founded 1871
Fountain Fever Hospital, Tooting Grove, Lower Tooting, S.W. Established 1893
Gore Farm Hospital, near Dartford, Kent, for Convalescent Small-Pox and Fever Patients. Established 1899
North-Eastern Fever Hospital, St. Ann's Road, Tottenham, N. Established 1892
Northern Fever Hospital, Winchmore Hill, N. Established 1887
North-Western Fever Hospital, Lawn Road, Hampstead, N.W. Established 1870
Park Fever Hospital, Hither Green, Lewisham, S.E. Established 1897
South-Eastern Fever Hospital, Avonley Road, New Cross, S.E. Established 1877
South-Western Fever Hospital, Landor Road, Stockwell, S.W. Established 1871
Western Fever Hospital, Seagrave Road, Fulham, S.W. Established 1877
Small-Pox Hospital Ships, Long Reach, near Dartford, Kent. Established 1881

Metropolitan Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, 64 Grafton Street, Fitzroy Square, W. Established 1838

Metropolitan Hospital, Kingsland Road, N.E. Founded 1836

Middlesex Hospital, Mortimer Street, W. Founded 1745. Incorporated 1836. Enlarged 1848 and 1884

Mildmay Mission Hospital and Disenpsary, Austin Street, Bethnal Green, E. Established 1877. New Hospital opened 1892.

Miller Hospital and Royal Kent Dispensary, Greenwich Road, S.E. Founded - Dispensary 1783; Hospital 1883

National Dental Hospital, 187 to 191 Great Portland Street, and 59 Devonshire Street, W.

National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Paralysis, 32 Soho Square, W. Established 1857

National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic (Albany Memorial), Queen Square, Bloomsbury, W.C. Established 1859

National Orthopaedic Hospital, 234 Great Portland Street, W.; and 56 Bolsover Street, Regent's Park. W.

New Hospital for Women, 144 Euston Road, N.W. Established 1872

North-Eastern Hospital for Children, Hackney Road, Shoreditch, N.E. (City Office - 27 Clement's Lane, E.C.). Established 1867

North London or University College Hospital, Gower Street, W.C. Founded 1833

North London Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Mount Vernon, Hampstead, N.W. (Office and Central Out-Patients' Department, 41 Fitzroy Square, W.).  Founded 1860

North-West London Hospital, 18, 20, 22 Kentish Town Road, N.W. Established 1878

Norwood Cottage Hospital, Hermitage Road, Central Hill, Upper Norwood, S.E. Established 1882; Enlarged 1893-4

Oxygen Home, 2 Fitzroy Square, W. Established 1896 "For the treatment of ulcers and wounds by Oxygen Gas."

Paddington Green Children's Hospital, Paddington Green, W. Established 1883. New Hospital opened 1895.

Passmore Edwards Acton Jubilee Cottage Hospital and Nursing Institution, Acton, W. Established June 1897

Passmore Edwards Cottage Hospital, Bounds Green Road, Wood Green, N. Established July 1895

Passmore Edwards District Cottage Hospital, Tilbury, E. (Formerly Tilbury and Gray's District Cottage Hospital). Opened June 1896

Passmore Edwards Hospital for Willesden, Harlesden Road, N.W. (Formerly Willesden Cottage Hospital). Founded 1892

Poplar Hospital for Accidents, Blackwall, E. Founded 1854. Rebuilt 1894

Queen Charlotte's Lying-In Hospital and Midwifery Training School, Marylebone Road, N.W. Founded 1752; rebuilt 1856; incorporated 1885; new wing added 1886; enlarged  1898-9

Queen's Jubilee Hospital, Richmond Road, Earl's Court, S.W.

Royal Ear Hospital, Frith Street, Soho Square, W. Established 1816

Royal Eye Hospital, or Royal South London Ophthalmic Hospital, St. George's Circus, Southwark, S.E. Established 1857; Rebuilt 1892

Royal Free Hospital, Gray's Inn Road, W.C. Founded 1828 (Greville Street, Hatton Garden) by the late Dr. W. Marsden. Removed to present site 1842; new wings added 1855, 1878 and 1880. Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1892. New front building opened 1895.

Royal Hospital for Children and Women, Waterloo Bridge Road, S.E. Founded 1816

Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, 231 City Road, E.C. Established 1814; rebuilt 1863; new wings built 1876-7 and 1884-6; new wards opened 1893.

Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorfields Eye Hospital), City Road. Founded 1804. Rebuilt 1899

Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, 297 Oxford Street, and 15 Hanover Square, W. Founded 1838; removed to present building 1854; incorporated 1864

Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, 19 King William Street, West Strand, W.C.

St. Bartholomew's Hospital, West Smithfield, E.C. Founded by Rahere, 1123; re-founded, 1547.

St. George's Hospital, Hyde Park Corner, S.W. Founded 1733; Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1834,

St. John's Hospital, Modern Hill, Lewisham, S.E. Founded 1884

St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin (Out-patient Department, 49, Leicester Square, W.C.; In-patient Department, 238 Uxbridge Road, W.)

St. Mark's Hospital for Fistula and Other Diseases of the Rectum, City Road, E.C. Founded 1835; Rebuilt 1896

St. Mary's Hospital for Sick Children, Plaistow, E. Opened 1894

St. Mary's Hospital, Praed Street, Paddington, W. Founded 1845

St. Paul's Hospital for Skin and Genito-Urinary Diseases, Red Lion Square, W.C. Founded February, 1898

St. Peter's Home and Sisterhood, Mortimer Road, Kilburn, N.W. (For Women and Children only).

St. Peter's Hospital for Stone and Genito-Urinary Diseases, etc. Henrietta St., Covent Garden, W.C. Established 1860

St. Saviour's Hospital and Nursing Home for Ladies of Limited Means, Osnaburgh Street, Regent's Park, N.W. Established 1872; worked by the All Saints' Sisterhood since 1st September 1892

St. Thomas's Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E. Founded about 1200; re-founded 1553; removed to Embankment 1871.

Samaritan Free Hospital for Women and Children, Marylebone Road, N.W. Established 1847; new building 1890

Seamen's Hospital Society ("Dreadnought"), Greenwich, S.E. Established 1821; incorporated by Act of Parliament, 3rd William IV., chap. 9. Removed from the "Dreadnought" to the Infirmary of Greenwich Hospital 1870.

Small-Pox and Vaccination Hospital, South Mimms, High Barnet. Established 1746

Spanish and Portuguese Jews Hospital, 253 Mile End Road, E. Established 1747 in connection with the Spanish and Portuguese Jews Congregation.

Tottenham Hospital, The Green, Tottenham, N. Established 1867; rebuilt 1887.

Victoria Hospital for Children, Queen's Road, Chelsea, S.W. Established 1866

West End Hospital for Diseases of the Nervous System, Paralysis, and Epilepsy, 73, Welbeck St., W. Established 1878. Rebuilt 1892.

West Ham, Stratford and South Essex Hospital and Dispensary, Stratford, E. Founded - Dispensary 1861; Hospital 1890; new wing opened 1895.

West London Hospital, Hammersmith Road, W. Founded 1856; Enlarged 1871; Out-patient Department, 1878; Incorporated 1894.

West London Mission Hospital, St. Luke's House, 50 Osnaburgh Street, Regent's Park, N.W.

Western Ophthalmic Hospital, 153 and 155 Marylebone Road, W. Established 1856

Western Skin Hospital, 179 Great Portland Street, W. Founded as a Dispensary 1851; as Hospital 1889

Westminster Hospital, Broad Sanctuary, S.W. Established in Petty France, Westminster, 1720; removed to Chapel Street, Westminster, 1724; removed to James Street, Westminster, 1734; removed to the present building 1834; incorporated by Act, 1836; extensions 1886-7.

Wilfred Cottage Hospital for Children, Wellclose Square, E. Established 1880.

Wimbledon Cottage Hospital, Thurston Road, Copse Hill, S.W. Established 1869

Woolwich and Plumstead Cottage Hospital, Shooter's Hill, Kent. Founded 1889


Acton General Dispensary, Mill Hill Grove, Acton. Established 1835

Battersea Provident Dispensary, 185 High Street, Battersea, S.W. (Branch - 4 Queen's Road, S.W.). Founded 1844; re-organised 1876.

Blackfriars Provident Dispensary, 98, Blackfriars Road, S.E. Established 1894. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association)

Bloomsbury Dispensary, 12 Bloomsbury Street, W.C. Founded 1801

Bloomsbury Provident Dispensary, 5 Lamb's Conduit Street, Bloomsbury, W.C. Founded 1881. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association)

British Hospital for Mental Disorders and Brain Diseases, 208 Euston Road, N.W. Established 1890. Incipient mental complaints, nervous disorders, children predisposed to mental disorders are treated.

Brixton, Streatham Hill, Herne Hill, Tulse Hill and Angell Town Dispensary, Water Lane, Brixton, S.W. Founded 1850 by Dr. Wray.

Brompton and Knightsbridge Provident Dispensary, 28 Fulham Road, Brompton, S.W. Founded 1877

Camberwell Provident Dispensary, Camberwell Green, S.E. Founded 1862

Camden Town Provident Dispensary, 62 Camden Road, N.W. Founded 1884. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association)

Chelsea, Brompton and Belgrave Dispensary, 41 Sloane Square, S.W. Founded 1812

Chelsea Provident Dispensary, 472 King's Road, S.W. Founded 1891. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association)

Childs Hill and Cricklewood Provident Dispensary, N.W. Founded 1872.

Chiswick and Turnham Green Dispensary. Founded 1854

City Dispensary, 46 Watling Street, E.C. Founded 1789

City of London and East London Dispensary for the Destitute Sick, 35 Wilson Street, Finsbury Square, E.C. Founded 1849

City of London Truss Society, 35 Finsbury Square, E.C. Founded 1807

Clapham Dispensaries for Women and Children, 131 Clapham Road, S.W. 2 Albert Road and 246 Wandsworth Road, S.W. Established 1889

Clapham General and Provident Dispensary, 42 Manor Stret, Clapham, S.W. Founded January 1849

Clerkenwell and St. Luke's Medical Club, George's Row, Lever Street, St. Luke's, E.C. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association). Founded 1881

Croydon Provident Dispensary, 12 Katharine Street, Croydon, S.W. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association). Founded 1881

Deptford Medical Mission, 188 High Street, Deptford, S.E. Founded 1889

Deptford Provident Dispensary, 437 New Cross Road, S.E. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association) Founded 1878

East Dulwich Provident Dispensary, Landell's Road, East Dulwich, S.E. Founded 1886

East London Provident Association, 495 Commercial Road East. Established 1846

Eastern Dispensary, Leman Street, Whitechapel, E. Founded 1782

Edmonton Medical Club, 161 Fore Street, Upper Edmonton, N. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association)
 Founded 1894

Farringdon General Dispensary and Lying-In Charity, 17 Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn, E.C. Founded 1828

Finsbury Dispensary, Brewer Street, Goswell Road, E.C. Founded 1780

Forest Hill Provident Dispensary, 73 Perry Vale, S.E. Founded 1865

Fulham Sick Club, St. John's New Schools, Dawes Rd., Waltham Green, S.W. Branches at Earl's Court, St. Andrew's, St. Mary's , St. Clement's, St. Matthew's and All Saints'. Founded 1872

Gipsy Hill and Upper Norwood Dispensary, Upper Norwood, S.E. Founded 1868

Greenwich Provident Dispensary, 24 Nelson Street, Greenwich, S.E. Established 1885.

Hackney Provident Dispensary, 14 Brett Road, N.E. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association) Founded 1877

Hampstead Provident Dispensary, New End, N.W. (West Hampstead Branch, The Firs, Mill Lane, N.W.) Founded 1845

Haverstock Hill and Malden Road Provident Dispensary, 132 Malden Road, N.W. Founded 1865

Hendon Provident Dispensary, N.W. No information available.

Highgate Dispensary, N. Founded 1787. No information available.

Holloway and North Islington Dispensary and Convalescent Fund, Palmer Place, Holloway, N. Branch Dispensaries at 117 Riversdale Road, Highbury Vale; and 172 Ball's Pond Road. Established 1840

Hornsey Dispensary, N. Founded 1866.

Infirmary for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, 26, St. Margaret Street, Cavendish Square,
W. Institute 1847.

Islington Dispensary, 303 Upper Street, Islington, N. founded 1821

Islington Medical Club, 5 Thornhill Crescent, N. Founded 1896 (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association)

Islington Medical Mission, 13, Windsor Street, Essex Road, N. Established 1890. Connected with the London Medical Missionary Association.

Kensal Town Provident Dispensary, 43 Golborne Road, W. Founded 1881

Kensington Dispensary, 49 Church Street, Kensington, W. Founded 1840

Kilburn, Maida Vale and St. John's Wood General Dispensary, 13 Kilburn Park Road, N.W. Founded 1862

Kilburn Provident Medical Institute, 1 Greville Road, Kilburn, N.W. Opened 1875

Leman Street Provident Dispensary, 19 Leman Street, E. Founded 1898 (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association)

Lewisham, Ladywell and Hither Green Provident Dispensary, Ladywell, S.E. Founded 1876.

Lewisham Self-Supporting Dispensary, 29 High Street, Lewisham, S.E. Founded 1880

London Dispensary, 27 Fournier Street, Spitalfieds, E. Established 1777

London Medical Mission, 33 Short's Gardens, Endell Street, St. Giles', W.C. and 78 Oakley Street, Lambeth, S.E. Founded 1871

Medical Aid Society for Necessitous Gentlewomen, Broxbourne, Herts. Founded 1879

Metropolitan Dispensary, 9 Fore Stret, Cripplegate, E.C. Instituted 1779

Metropolitan Provident Medical Association, 5 Lamb's Conduit Street, W.C. Founded 1880

Municipal Throat and Ear Infirmary, 317 City Road, E.C.

National Truss Society, 1 Arthur Street West, London Bridge, E.C. Founded 1786

Notting Hill Provident Dispensary, 43 Portland Road, Notting Hill, W. Founded 1860 (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association)

Paddington Provident Dispensary, 104 Star Street, Edgware Road, W. Founded 1837

Pimlico Provident Dispensary, 68 Lupus Street, S.W. Founded 1882

Pimlico Road Free Dispensary, 20 Pimlico Road, S.W. Founded 1869

Poplar Medical Association, Town Hall, Poplar, E. Founded 1836

Portland Town Free Dispensary, Henry Street, Portland Town, N.W. Founded 1845

Provident Medical Aid Friendly Society, 117 New Road, Whitechapel, E. Established 1881

Provident Surgical Appliance Society, 12 Finsbury Circus, E.C. Founded 1872

Public Dispensary, 59 Stanhope Street, Clare Market, W.C. Founded 1782

Queen Adelaide's Dispensary, Pollard Row, Bethnal Green Road, E. Founded 1850

Royal General Dispensary, 25 and 26 Bartholomew Close, E.C. Founded 1770

Royal Maternity Charity, 31 Finsbury Square, E.C. (For Delivering Poor Married Women at their own Homes). Established 1757

Royal Pimlico Dispensary, 104 Buckingham Palace Road, S.W. Founded 1831

Royal South London Dispensary, St. George's Cross, S.E. Founded 1821

Rupture Society, 27, Great James Street, Bedford Row, W.C. Established 1804

St. Ann's Dispensary, South Tottenham, N. Founded 1871

St. George's and St. James' General Dispensary, 60 King Street, Regent Street, W. Founded 1817

St. George's (Hanover Square) Provident Dispensary, Little Grosvenor Street, W. Founded 1868

St. John's Wood and Portland Town Provident Dispensary, 96, St. John's Wood Terrace, N.W. Founded 1845

St. Luke's Medical Mission Dispensary, Memorial Buildings, Roscoe Street, Bunhill Row, E.C. Founded 1875

St. Marylebone General Dispensary, 77, Welbeck Street, W. Founded 1785

St. Pancras and Northern Dispensary, 126 Euston Road, N.W. Founded 1810

St. Pancras Medical Mission, Compton Place, Compton Street, W.C. Founded 1888

Soho and St. James' Medical Club, St. Peter's Schools, Archer Street, Haymarket, W.  (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association). Founded 1881

South Lambeth, Stockwell and North Brixton Dispensary, Wilkinson Street, Albert Square, Clapham Road, S.W. Founded 1866

Stamford Hill, Stoke Newington, Clapton, West Hackney, Kingsland and Dalston Dispensary, 189 High Street, Stoke Newington, N. Founded at Stoke Newington 1825.

Surgical Aid Society, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, E.c. Established in 1862 for the purpose of supplying articifial limbs, leg instruments, trusses, and all other mechancial supports to the afflicted poor.

Surrey Dispensary, 6 Great Dover Street, S.E. Founded 1777

Sydenham Dispensary, Sydenham, S.E. Established 1827

Tottenham and Edmonth General Dispensary, 746 High Road, Tottenham, N. Founded 1864

Tottenham Medical Club, 166 High Road, Tottenham, N. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association). Founded 1887

Tower Hamlets Dispensary, White Horse Street, Stepney, E. Founded 1792

Victoria Dock District Dispensary, E. Founded 1877

Walthamstow Dispensary, Orford Road, Walthamstow, E. Founded 1873

Walworth and Newington Provident Dispensary, 302 Walworth Road, S.E. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association)

Wandsworth Common and Upper Tooting Provident Dispensary, Bolingbroke House, S.W. Founded 1878

Wandsworth Provident Dispensary, S.W. Founded 1863

Westbourne Provident Dispensary (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association) 244 Harrow Road, W. Founded 1856

Western Dispensary, Rochester Row, Westminster, S.W. Founded 1789 as a gratuitous Dispensary. Provident Branch added 1874; Convalescent and Dental, 1887.

Western General Dispensary, Marylebone Road, N.W. founded 1830

Westminster General Dispensary, 9 Gerrard Street, Soho, W. Founded 1774

Whitechapel Provident Dispensary, 137 Whitechapel Road, E. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association). Founded 1889

Woolwich Plumstead and Charlton Provident Dispensary, 6 Russell Place, New Road, S.E. (Branch of the Metropolitan Provident Medical Association). Founded 1894


Bethnal Green Infirmary, Cambridge Road, N.E. The infirmary will shortly be opened and a training school instituted.

Bethnal Green Infirmary, Victoria Park, N.E.

Central London Sick Asylum, Cleveland Street, W. Established 1875

Chelsea Workhouse Infirmary, Cale Street, Chelsea, S.W. Established 1873

City of London Union Infirmary, Bow Road, E. Established 1852

Fulham Infirmary, St. Dunstan's Road, Hammersmith, W. Established 1884

Greenwich Union Infirmary, Greenwich, S.E. Established 1876

Hackney Union Infirmary, High Street, Homerton, S.E. Established 1841

Hampstead Workhouse Sick Wards, New End, Hampstead, N.W.

Holborn Union Infirmary, Archway Road, N. Established 1879

Lambeth Workhouse Infirmary, Brook Street, Kennington Road, S.E. Established 1878

Lewisham Infirmary, High Street, Lewisham, S.E. Established 1894

Mile End Infirmary, Bancroft Road, N.E. Established 1883

Paddington Infirmary, 285 Harrow Road, W. Established 1885

Poplar and Stepney Sick Asylum, Devons Road, Bromley, E. Established 1868

St. George's Union Infirmary, Fulham Road, S.W. Established 1878

St. George-in-the-East Parish Infirmary, Raine Street, E. - Established 1871

St. Giles Infirmary, Havil Street, Camberwell, S.E. Established 1873

St. Mary Abbott's (Kensington) Infirmary, Marloes Road, W. Established 1871

St. Mary's (Islington) Infirmary, St. John's Road, Upper Holloway, N. Established 1870

St. Marylebone Infirmary, St. Charles Square, North Kensington, W. Established 1881

St. Olaves Union Infirmary, Lower Road, Rotherhithe, S.E.

St. Pancras Infirmary, Darmouth Park Hill, N. Established 1884

St. Saviour's Union Infirmary, East Dulwich Grove, S.E. Rebuilt 1887

Shoreditch Infirmary, 204 Hoxton Street, N. Established 1872

Wandsworth and Clapham Union Infirmary, St. John's Hill, New Wandsworth, S.W. Established 1870

Whitechapel Infirmary, Vallance Road, Whitechapel Road, E. Established 1876

Woolwich Union Infirmary, Plumstead, S.E.

Burdett's Hospitals and Charities, 1900

[Text from Fry's Guide of 1917; format of each entry is
Name of Institution ;  When Founded  ;  Where now Situate and Address of the Office  ; Objects of Information

Alexandra Hospital for Children with Hip Disease; 1867; Queen Square, Bloomsbury. Clandon, Surrey; The surgical treatment of the children of the Poor suffering from Hip Disease - girls between the ages of 3 and 12 yrs - boys between 3 and 11. The Hospital has 90 beds.

All Saints' Convalescent Hospital for Adults and Hospital for Children; 1864; Eastbourne. Office, 83 Margaret St., London, W.; To receive invalids, men and women, to whom change of air is essential for recovery, and children who may still require nursing or surgical attendance. Lads of 14 and 15 and persons over 65 years of age ineligible.

Anti-Vivisection Hospital, Battersea General Hospital (Incorporated); 1899, opened June 1902; Prince of Wales Road, Battersea Park, London, S.W.; For the relief of human suffering by physicians and surgeons who are opposed to vivisection. General Hospital for the needy and deserving. Free admission and attendance by Governor's letter.

Belgrave Hospital for Children, The (Incorporated).; 1866; Clapham Road, S.W.; To afford medical and surgical aid to children of the poor, suffering from non-contagious diseases.

Bethlem Royal Hospital; 1826; Lambeth Road, S.E. For convalescents, at Witley, near Godalming.; For the care of persons of unsound mind likely to be cured within one year, and who are not fit subjects for a county Lunatic Asylum. Preference is given to patients of the educated classes.

Bloomsbury Dispensary; 1801; 12, Bloomsbury Street, W.C.; To provide the respectable poor with gratuitous medical and surgical aid.

Bolingbroke Hospital (Incorporated), 1897; 1880; Bolingbroke Grove, Wandsworth Common, S.W.; A Free Accident and Emergency Hospital and a Home in sickness for persons needing Hospital treatment and nursing, on payment.

British Home and Hospital for Incurables.; 1861; Crown Lane, Streatham, S.W. Office, 72, Cheapside, E.C.; To provide for persons of the middle classes afflicted with incurable disease, and over 35 years of age, a home or a pension of ?20 per annum, during remainder of life.

Brompton Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest.; 1841; Brompton, S.W.; The treatment of consumption and all other diseases of the chest.

Sanatorium and Convalescent Homes;--; On the Chobham Ridges, near Frimley, Surrey; Annual Subscribers of ?5 5s. and Donors of ?52 10s. become Governors of the Hospital, and may recommend 1 in-patient and 8 out-patients in each year. Donors of ?525 may name a Ward and become Governors of the Hospital. Donors of ?105 may name a Bed and also become Governors of the Hospital.

Camberwell Provident Dispensary; 1862; Camberwell Park; To give medical aid to the poor.

Cancer Hospital (Free) (Incorporate under Royal Charter); 1851; Fulham Road, Brompton, S.W.; To treat free of charge the necessitous poor suffering from cancer, tumours or allied diseases.

Central London Ophthalmic Hospital; 1843; Judd Street, St. Pancras, W.C.; To afford medical advice and assistance to the necessitous poor suffering from diseases or injuries of the eye.

Central London Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital; 1874; Gray's Inn Road, near King's Cross Station, Metropolitan Railway; The medical and surgical relief of the poor suffering from diseases of the throat, ear, or nose. Free to those bring a "Subscriber's Letter." Small contributions are invited from those in work towards the expense of treatment if unprovided with a Subscriber's letter.

Charing Cross Hospital; 1818; West Strand, near Charing Cross, W.C.; The relief of the sick and injured poor.

Chelsea, Brompton and Belgrave Provident Dispensary; 1812; --; see page 274 under Tuberculin

Chelsea Hospital for Women; 1871; Arthur Street, Chelsea, S.W. Convalescent Home at St. Leonard's-on-Sea; To treat diseases of women, gratuitously to the indigent, but small fees, proportionate to means of the patient, are expected from those who can afford it. Has 80 beds, of which 23 are occupied by some of the nursing and domestic staffs until the new Nurse's Home is built. 22 beds in Convalescent Home, not restricted to Hospital patients.

Cheyne Hospital for Sick and Incurable Children; 1875; Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, S.W.; To receive children between 3 and 12 years old, suffering from chronic or incurable ailments, on payment of 4s. per week. Certain Free and Assisted Cots have been founded for specially necessitous cases. Has 50 beds. County branch, St. Nicholas-at-Wade, Kent. 30 beds.

Children's Home-Hospital; 1891; Barnet, Hadley-Highstone; To receive children of the Poor requiring surgical treatment. 3s. 6d. per week has to be paid for each child.

City Dispensary; 1789; 29 and 30, College St., Dowgate Hill; To provide advice and medicine gratuitously for the poor, and attendance either at the Dispensary or at their own homes.

City of London and East London Dispensary; 1849; 40, Wilson St., Finsbury, E.C. Office 58, Lombard Street, E.C.; To provide medical relief for the sick poor.

City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest (Victoria Park Hospital); 1848; Victoria Park, E.; The relief of indigent persons afflicted with consumption and other diseases of the chest.

City of London Living-In Hospital; 1750, Rebuilt 1907; City Road, corner of Old St.; The delivery of poor married women, both as In- and Out-patients - also for the training of midwives and monthly nurses.

Clapham General and Provident Dispensary; 1849; 42, Manor Street, Clapham, S.W.; To provide medical aid for the poor.

Clapham Maternity Hospital; 1889; Jeffreys Road, entrance Bloomfield Rd., Clapham, S.W.; The delivery of women in the hospital or at their own homes by qualified medical women, also of the better class of unmarried girls from Rescue Homes; and their training of midwives and monthly nurses. Ante-Natal treatment and school for mothers.

Cripples Hospital and College, The lord Mayor Treloar; 1907; Alton, Hants. London Office, 61, Moorgate St., E.C.; Hospital treatment of children up to 12 years, suffering from active tuberculous disease of the bones or joints. College Technical training of cripple lads 14 to 18 years of age.

East London Hospital for Children and Dispensary for Women; 1868; Shadwell, E. Has a Convalescent Home for Children at Bognor.; To receive sick children as in-patients, and women and children as out-patients.

Eastern Dispensary; 1782; Leman Street, Whitechapel; The medical and surgical treatment of the poor, and when requested, at their own homes.

Evelina Hospital for Sick Children; 1869; Southwark Bridge Road, S.E.; For poor sick children not suffering from infectious disease - boys to 10 and girls to12 years of age as in-patients, but out-patients of either sex to 14 years. Has 76 cots and a very complete outpatients' department.

Farringdon General Dispensary and Lying-in Charity; 1828; 17, Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn Circus; To give medical and surgical assistance to the poor, both at their own homes and at the Dispensary.

Finsbury Dispensary; 1780; Brewer Street, Goswell Road, E.C.; To afford medical advice and medicine to the poor, also, in cases of emergency, at their own homes.

Florence Nightingale Hospital for Gentlewomen; 1850; 19, Lisson Grove; Home in illness, with medical and surgical treatment, for gentlewomen of small means, the wives and daughters of professional men, governesses, artists etc.

French Hospital and Dispensary; 1867; 172-176, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. Convalescent Home at Kemp Town, Brighton.; The medical relief of sick poor speaking the French language, without distinction as to religion or nationality. Without letters of recommendation. Has 61 beds in Convalescent Home at Brighton.

French Protestant Hospital (Commonly called The French Hospital); Incor. 1718; Victoria Park, N.E.; A home for 52 poor and aged French Protestants or descendants of French Protestants, over 60 years of age and single. Married couples not eligible. There are also some pensions.

General Lying-in Hospital; 1765 Incor. 1830; York Road, Lambeth, S.E.; To receive poor pregnant married women, also single women for a first confinement (if of previous good character), and to attend poor married women at their homes gratis. Has 36 beds.

German Hospital; 1845; Dalston Lane, and Ritson Rd., Dalston, N.E.; Medical and Surgical aid to the sick poor, natives of Germany, and others speaking German, and to all cases of accident. Out-patients not speaking German must obtain the recommendation of a governor. Has 184 Beds in the Hospital, and 40 in Convalescent Home.

Gordon Hospital for Rectal Diseases.; 1884; Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W.; To afford medical and surgical aid to patients of box sexes and of limited means suffering from fistula, piles, or other diseases of the rectum. Where means are unequal to the cost of private treatment.

Great Northern Central Hospital, The; 1856; Holloway Road, N.; The gratuitous relief of the sick poor, both as In- and Out-Patients.

Grosvenor Hospital for Women; 1866 rebuilt 1897 and 1904; Vincent Square, Westminster; The treatment as In- and Out-patients, of women suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex.

Guy's Hospital; 1724; St. Thomas's St., Southwark, S.E.; To receive and treat the sick and injured poor. 643 beds and cots. There is a private ward for paying patients

Hampstead General and North-West London Hospital; 1878 Amalgamated 1907; (In-patients dept.) Haverstock Hill, Hampstead, N.W. (Out-patients dept.) Bayham Street, Camden Town, N.W.; To receive and treat the sick and injured poor of Hampstead, Kentish Town, Gospel Oak, Highgate, Kilburn, and all the outlying North-Western Districts. Motor ambulance maintained : available for street accidents, urgent cases, etc.

Haverstock Hill and Malden Road Provident Dispensary; 1865; 132, Malden Road, N.W.; To provide medical attendance and medicine for the sick poor, by their own monthly payments.

Her Majesty's Hospital (Dr. Barnardo's Homes); 1877; 13 to 19 Stepney Causeway, E.; The treatment of orphans and destitute boys and girls in Dr. Barnardo's Homes. 9 Wards, 84 Beds.

Home and Hospital for Sick Children, with Out-Patients Department for Women and Children; 1872; Sydenham Road, Lower Sydenham, S.E.; To receive boys from up to 12 years, and girls from up to 14, requiring medical or surgical aid.

Home Hospital for Women, formerly Invalid Asylum; 1825; 187, High St., Stoke Newington; Temporary Home for respectable women obliged by sickness to quit their employment.

Hospital and Home for Incurable Children (Incorporated); 1875; Northcourt College Crescent, Hampstead, N.; To provide for the care, maintenance, and medical treatment of children suffering from chronic or incurable disease of an aggravated character.

Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, The.; 1841; 71, Blackfriars Road, S.E.; The medical treatment of the poor afflicted with cutaneous disease, gratuitously and on small payment.

Hospital for Diseases of the Throat; 1863; Golden Square, W.; The treatment of poor persons suffering from diseases of the throat, ear, and nose, free to the necessitous - others must obtain a Subscriber's letter, or make a small weekly payment according to means.

Hospital for Epilepsy, Paralysis, and other Diseases of the Nervous System.; 1866, Incorporated; Maida Vale, London, W.; The relief of the poor afflicted with epilepsy, paralysis, or other diseases of the nervous system, 85 beds, 25 private wards.

Hospital for Sick Children; 1852; Gt. Ormond St., W.C.; Branch Hospital, Cromwell House, Highgate, N.; 1. To provide medical treatment to the children of the poor during sickness. 2. To promote the advancement of medical science with reference to the diseases of childhood. 3. To diffuse amongst all classes of the community and chiefly among the poor a better acquaintance with the management of infants and children during illness.

Hospital for Women; 1842; Soho Square, W.; For the treatment of women suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex.

Hospital of St. John and St. Elizabeth, ; 1856; 40, Grove End Road, St. John's Wood; For medical and surgical cases - men, women and children.

Holloway and North Islington Provident Dispensary; 1840, converted 1905; Palmer Place, Holloway Rd.; and 172, Balls Pond Rd., N.; To provide medical attendance and medicine to persons not earning more than a certain specified income and not in receipt of parish relief.

Infants Hospital (The); 1903; Vincent Square, Westminster; The treatment of the disorders and diseases of nutrition in infants.

Islington Dispensary; 1821; 303, Upper St., Islington; To provide medical and surgical aid to the poor, visiting them at their own homes when necessary, if within the district, also where medical Officer deems necessary supplying relief in kind. To help poor women and children not benefited by Insurance Act.

Italian Hospital; 1884; Queen Square, Bloomsbury, W.C.; For the maintenance and medical treatment of persons suffering sickness or bodily infirmity, without distinctions of nationality or creed, preference given to Italians.

Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum; 1795; West Norwood. Office, 31, Duke Street, Aldgate; For the support of the aged and the maintenance, education, and employment of youth.

Kensington and Fulham General Hospital; 1887; Richmond Road, Earl's Court, S.W.; To supply medical and surgical aid to necessitous poor. Paying patients received.

Kensington Dispensary and Children's Hospital; 1840; 49 & 51, Church St., Kensington, W.; To give medical and surgical aid to the sick poor not receiving parish relief, at the Dispensary, or, if needed, at their own homes, if within the district of the Charity, and treat children in the Hospital.

Kilburn, Maida Vale, and St. John's Wood General Dispensary; 1862; 13, Kilburn Park Road, N.W.; To give gratuitous medical aid to sick poor, both at the dispensary and their own habitations.

King's College Hospital; 1839; Denmark Hill, S.E.; To give in- and out-door medical and surgical aid to the poor.

Lady Margaret Hospital; 1903; Camberwell, S.E., and Bromley, Kent; Healing of the sick.

London Dispensary; 1777; 27, Fournier St., Spitalfields, E.; To provide gratuitous medicine and medical attendance for the sick poor of the district.

London Fever Hospital* (*Completed in its hundredth year in 1902. During the century, over 100,00 patients were treated, mostly scarlet fever and diphtheria.); 1802; Liverpool Road, Islington, N.; The prevention and cure of contagious fevers.

London Lock Hospital and Rescue Home; 1746; Harrow Road, W.; The treatment of in-patients (females exclusively) suffering from venereal diseases.

London Lock Hospital; 1862; 91, Dean Street, Soho, W.; The treatment of males as In-patients and of both males and females as Out-patients, suffering from venereal diseases.

London Homoeopathic Hospital; 1849; Gt. Ormond St., W.C. Convalescent Home, 36, Enys Road, Eastbourne.; A general hospital for men, women and children. To afford homoeopathic treatment to sick poor.

London Hospital; 1740; Whitechapel Rd., E.; To cure and relieve the sick or injured poor. Maintains 922 beds.

London Skin Hospital; 1887; 40, Fitzroy Sq., W.; The treatment of skin affections. Free to the necessitous, but others are expected to contribute according to their means.

London Throat Hospital, amalgamated with the Throat Hospital, Golden Square; 1887; 204, Gt. Portland Street, W., and 72, Bolsover St., W.; The treatment of diseases of the throat, nose and ear. Patients in employment are expected to make some contribution towards expense of medicine. Free to the necessitous.

Margaret Street Hospital for Consumption - (For Out-Patients) - Sanatoriums at Hastings (for Men); 1847; 26, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, W.; The medical relief of poor persons suffering from consumption and diseases of the chest.

Metropolitan Dispensary, Cripplegate's; 1779; 9, Fore Street, Cripplegate; To give medicine and attendance to the poor.

Metropolitan Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital (Incorporated); 1838; 2, Fitzroy Square, W.; The special treatment of affections of the ear, throat and nose. Free to the necessitous poor, but small payments are required from those who can afford them.

Metropolitan Hospital; 1836; Kingsland Road, N.E. Has a Convalescent home at Cranbrook, Kent.; The immediate relief of the sick poor of every nation without the delay of any letter of recommendation. Entirely free to the sick and necessitous poor. Unendowed and supported by voluntary contributions. The training of nurses.

Middlesex Hospital (The), [also] Convalescent Home, Clacton-on-Sea; 1745. Incor. 1836, Enlarged 1848; Mortimer Street, Berners Street, W. Trained Nurses' Institution, 17, Cleveland Street, W.; To receive and treat the sick and injured poor. The Hospital contains 350 Beds, in addition to which there is a wing for incurable Male and Female Cancer patients, containing 90 beds.

Miller General Hospital (The), for South East London (with which is incorporated the Royal Kent Dispensary); 1783; Greenwich Road; To treat the sick poor.

Mount Vernon Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, The; 1860; Northwood, Middlesex. Outpatients' Department and Office, 7, Fitzroy Sq., W.; The treatment of all kind of chest diseases. Cases of tuberculosis of the joints, etc., also received.

Municipal Throat and Ear and Nose Infirmary; 1877; City Road, near Angel, E.C.; The treatment of diseases of the throat, ear and nose. Free to the indigent.

National Dental Hospital. Dental department of the University College Hospital.; 1861; Great Portland St., W.; For the gratuitous relief of the poor suffering from diseases and irregularities of the teeth and deformities of the mouth.

National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart; 1857; Westmorland St., Marylebone, W.; To afford relief to the poor suffering from diseases of the heart.

National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic (Albany Memorial). - (Incorporated by Royal Charter); 1859; Queen Square, Bloomsbury, W.C. Convalescent Home, East Finchley, N.; To afford medical and surgical relief to In- and Out-patients afflicted with paralysis, epilepsy, and kindred nervous diseases. There is also a Pension Fund.

New Hospital for Women; 1866; 144, Euston Road, N.W.; To afford poor women and children medical and surgical treatment by legally qualified women.

North-West London Hospital (amalgamated with the Hampstead General Hospital since 1907); 1878; Bayham Street, Camden Town, N.W.; To relieve the sick poor of the neighbourhood. Amalgamated with the Hampstead General Hospital since 1907. The In-patients are received at Hampstead. The Out-patients for both Hospitals are treated at Bayham Street, in the new buildings opened 1912.

Norwood Cottage Hospital.; 1882; Hermitage Road, Central Hill, Upper Norwood, S.E.; The treatment of the sick poor of Norwood and the surrounding suburban districts. In-patients only.

Paddington Green Children's Hospital. Convalescent Home.; Aug., 1883; Paddington Green, W.; To afford medical and surgical relief to sick children of the poor - boys under 12 years of age and girls under 14. Has 46 cots. Convalescent Home at "Fair View," Slough, Bucks (for 16 children in the winter and 24 in the summer).

Paddington Provident Dispensary; 1838; 104, Star Street, Edgware Rd., W.; To provide medical aid for poor, upon payment of 2d. or 4?d. a week, according to number of family.

Pimlico Road Dispensary, Free; 1869; 20, Pimlico Road, S.W.; To provide advice, home attendance, medicine, and, where funds admit, in urgent cases, invalid nourishment for the sick poor.

Poplar Hospital for Accidents (Convalescent Home at Walton-on-the-Naze); 1855; 303-315, East India Dock Rd., Poplar, E.; The treatment of accidental injuries etc. The Hospital contains 69 Surgical, 27 Medical, 1 Paying Patient Bed, and 6 Isolation Beds in separate block. 24 beds allotted to wounded soldiers. A new Laundry and Boiler House have been built, and Electric Lift installed.

Prince of Wales General Hospital; 1867; The Green, Tottenham, London, N.; General Hospital for N.E. London and suburbs.

Public Dispensary, The; 1782; Drury Lane, W.C.; The gratuitous treatment of the sick poor, at the dispensary and at their own homes.

Queen Adelaide's Dispensary; 1850; Pollard Row, Bethnal Green Road, E.; To provide medicine and advice for the sick poor of Bethnal Green.

Queen Charlotte's Lying-In Hospital; 1752; Marylebone Road, N.W.; 1. The delivery of poor women, both married and single; the latter only if pregnant with first child. A Governor's letter is requisite for both In- and Out-Patients. 2. The training of Medical Pupils in practical midwifery - also Midwives and Monthly Nurses.

Queen's Hospital for Children, The; 1867; Hackney Road, Bethnal Green, E.; To afford medical and surgical relief to sick children of the poor, under 14 years of age.

Royal Dental Hospital of London (*No ticket is required for ordinary extractions, but for extraction under gas and for stoppings, a ticket from a Governor or subscriber is necessary); 1858; Leicester Square, W.C.; Gratuitous relief of the poor suffering from diseases of the teeth, etc.

Royal Ear Hospital, The; 1816; 42 & 43, Dean Street, Shaftesbury Avenue; The treatment of diseases of the ear and nose, and the promotion of the study of Otology.

Royal Eye Hospital, The; 1857; St. George's Circus, Southwark, S.E.; The relief of the necessitous poor suffering from diseases of the eye.

Royal Free Hospital; 1828; Gray's Inn Road, W.C.; The relief of the sick poor, without any letter of recommendation or other claim to its benefits beyond sickness and destitution, Has 165 Beds.

Royal General Dispensary; 1770; 25 & 26 Bartholomew Close, E.C.; To afford medical and surgical relief to the sick poor, and to visit them when necessary.

Royal Hospital, Chelsea; 1682; Chelsea, S.W.; For the relief and support of worn-out, wounded or disabled soldiers, in-pensioners receive small allowances of money and tobacco and are fed, clothed, and lodged.

Royal Waterloo Hospital (The) for Children and Women; 1816; Waterloo Road, S.E.; To give medical and surgical aid to poor children and women, as In- and Out-patients.

Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest; 1814; City Road, E.C.; The relief of poor persons suffering from diseases of the chest, in any of their various forms. The Hospital has 2 beds at Creaton, Northampton; and 1 bed at Holt, Norfolk.

Royal Hospital for Incurables; 1854; West Hill, Putney Heath. Office, 4, St. Paul's Churchyard, E.C.; To provide a permanent home or a pension for life, for those who, by disease, accident, or deformity, are hopelessly disqualified for the duties of life.

Royal London Ophthalmic Hospita (Moorfields Eye Hospital); 1804; City Road, E.C., Telegrams "Eyelashes, Finsquare, London." Telephone, 1073, London Wall.; The treatment of diseases of the eye. Free to the poor of every country and denomination.

Royal National Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest; 1867, Incorporated in 1885; Ventnor, Isle of Wight. Office, 18, Buckingham Street, Strand, W.C.; For the reception of patients suffering from consumption in the early stages, from all parts of the kingdom, irrespective of religious distinction. Founded on the separate or cottage principle.

Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (with which is incorporated the City Orthopaedic Hospital* (*The only Orthopaedic Hospital in London. Carries on the work of the old Royal National and City Orthopaedic Hospital. New buildings have been erected in Great Portland Street, W., containing 213 beds.); 1838, 1864, & 1905; 234, Great Portland St., W. and Bolsover Street, W.; The relief and cure of the various distortions of the spine, club-feet, and all contractions and malformations of the human frame. Seventy-five per cent of patients are children.

Royal Sea-Bathing Hospital; 1791; Margate. Offices, 13, Charing Cross, S.W.; For patients suffering from early tuberculous and diseases of the hip, spine, bones, joints, glands, etc. Full payment or part payment, with Governor's letter, required.

Royal South London Dispensary; 1821; St. George's Cross, Southwark, S.E.; To supply the poor of the neighbourhood with advice and medicine gratuitously.

Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital; 1816; King William Street, West Strand, W.C. Telephone No., 4975, Gerrard; The relief of necessitous persons suffering from diseases of the eye. Has 40 Beds, constantly occupied. No letter of recommendation needed. Admission free.

St. Andrew's Convalescent Hospital; 1861; Clewer, near Windsor; To receive convalescents and some incurables, for whom there is a special ward, from hospitals and elsewhere, if provided with subscriber's or donor's letter, or by payment.

St. Bartholomew's Hospital; 1123 and 1546; Smithfield, E.C. (Convalescent Home at Swanley, Kent); To afford medical and surgical aid both to Out- and In-patients. Has 689 beds, of which about 335 are allotted to surgical cases.

St. Columbia's Hospital for the Dying (formerly called Friedenheim Hospital); 1885; Avenue Road, Swiss Cottage, N.W.; To receive cases in the last stages of illness, and to nurse them to the end. Chronic or infectious diseases, and aged or feeble persons, are not received.

St. George Provident Dispensary (Hanover Square); 1868; Little Grosvenor, W.; To provide medicine and medical treatment for the sick poor of the parish.

St. George's Hospital; 1733; Hyde Park Corner, S.W. Has a Convalescent Hospital, the Atkinson Morley, at Wimbledon, of 100 beds to which patients are sent without charge.; For the relief of poor sick and disabled persons.

St. Helena Hospital Home; 1895; Thorverton Rd., Cricklewood, N.W.; A Convalescent Home for fallen girls under 30 years of age. Also Holiday Home for same. To take 12 inmates and 5 babies - 3 months limit of stay.

St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin; 1863; Out-patients and Office, 49, Leicester Square, W.C. In-patients', 262, Uxbridge Road, W.; For the relief of persons suffering from skin-diseases, from all parts of the world. Necessitous cases treated entirely free. Maintains 40 beds.

St. John's Wood and Portland Town Dispensary (Provident and Free); 1845; 96, St. John's Wood Terrace, St. John's Wood; To give medical and surgical aid to the provident poor, and to the indigent by Subscribers' recommendation.

St. Luke's Hospital; 1751; Old Street, E.C., and Convalescent Establishments at Nether Court, St. Lawrence, Ramsgate and Welder, nr. Gerrard's Cross, Bucks.; For the reception and cure of mental diseases, either gratuitiously or upon payment of a small weekly contribution. The Hospital has no State grant whatever.

St. Mark's Hospital for Cancer, Fistula, etc.; 1835; City Road, E.C.; For the relief of the poor afflicted with cancer, fistula, piles and other diseases of the rectum. No letter of recommendation is required for treatment.

St. Mary's Hospital for Women and Children; 1893; Upper Road, Plaistow, E.; For the medical and surgical treatment of women and children.

St. Mary's Hospital; 1845; Praed Street, Paddington, W.; The gratuitous relief of the sick or injured poor. Has 305 beds.

St. Marylebone General Dispensary; 1785; 77, Welbeck St., Cavendish Sq., W.; To afford advice and medicines to the sick poor, to attend married women in childbirth at their own homes, and to give relief in all cases requiring ophthalmic and dental surgery. Special department for Infant consultation.

St. Monica's Home Hospital for Sick Children; 1874; 16, Brondesbury Park, N.W.; For surgical and medical patients needing a long course of treatment.

St. Pancras Dispensary; 1810; 39, Oakley Sq., N.W.; To relieve the sick poor, and to attend poor lying-in women at their own habitations.

St. Paul's Hospital for Skin and Genito-Urinary Diseases; 1898; Red Lion Square, W.C.; To provide special treatment for the poor suffering from skin and genito-urinary diseases.

St. Peter's Hospital for Stone and Other Urinary Diseases; 1860; Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.; The relief of the poor suffering from stone and other urinary diseases, both as In- and Out-patients. Beds for men, 24 - women, 2 - paying ward, 6 beds. No letter of recommendation needed.

St. Saviour's Hospital for Invalid Ladies; 1892; Osnaburgh Street, opposite Portland Road Station, N.W.; The treatment, Medical and Surgical, of Ladies of limited means.

St. Thomas's Hospital; 1200, refounded 1553; Westminster Bridge, S.E.; To receive and treat diseases and bodily injuries of the poor. There is a limited number of beds for patients able to pay 3s. a day towards their maintenance, and also a special department for paying patients.

St. Vincent's Surgical and Industrial Home for Crippled Boys; 1907; St. Vincent's, Eastcote, Pinner; Open-air hospital for boys suffering from tubercular and other joint diseases, infantile paralysis, etc.

Samaritan Free Hospital for Women; 1847; Marylebone Road, N.W.; For the free treatment of poor women, suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex, both as In- and Out-patients.

Seamen's Hospital Society - Removed from the ship "Dreadnought," in 1870; 1821 Incor. 1833; Greenwich, S.E. Branch Hospital, Albert Dock, E. Dispensaries, East India Dock Rd., E. and Gravesend; The free reception of sick seamen from all parts of the World, and of every nation.

South Lambeth, Stockwell, and North Brixton Dispensary; 1866; Wilkinson Street, Albert Square, Clapham Road, S.W.; To provide medical and surgical advice, medicine, and attendance.

South London Hospital for Women (Incorporated); 1912; Out-patients, 86-88, 90, Newington Causeway, S.E. In-patients, 103, South Side, Clapham Common.; To give medical and surgical treatment by qualified medical women - to provide private wards for women of small means (1 to 3 guineas a week).

Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Hospital; 1747; 253, Mile End Road; For sick, poor, lying-in women, and asylum for the aged of the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation.

Surrey Dispensary; 1777; 6, Gt. Dover St., Southwark, S.E.; To give medical aid to the poor of district, and attendance upon lying-in women.

Temperance Hospital (London); 1873; Hampstead Road, N.W.; For the treatment of disease without the ordinary use of alcohol.

University College Hospital (North London) (Incorporated); 1833 Rebuilt and Enlarged 1897; Gower Street, W.C.; The gratuitous relief of poor sick or maimed persons, both as In- and Out-patients, and the delivery of married women at their homes. Three hundred and three beds available. Separate departments for special forms of disease.

Victoria Hospital For Children. Homes (Convalescent) at Broadstairs, and Biggin Hill, Kent.;1866; Tite Street, Chelsea, Broadstairs, and Biggin Hill, Kent; The reception and care of sick children from infancy - boys up to the age of 12, and girls to the age of 14. The Hospital has 104 beds, 50 at Broadstairs, and 14 at Biggin.

West End Hospital for Nervous Diseases; 1878; 73, Welbeck St., Cavendish Sq., W., and Marylebone Lane, W.; For the treatment of the poor suffering from diseases of the nervous system, paralysis, and epilepsy, with special wards for children.

West London Hospital; 1856; Hammersmith Road, W.; The gratuitous relief of the sick or injured poor.

West Ham and Eastern General Hospital and Dispensary; 1861; Stratford, London, E.; (1) To receive and treat accidents and urgent cases at any hour. (2) To give advice, medicines, and surgical aid to poor persons.

Westbourne Provident Dispensary and Maternity; 1855; 244, Harrow Rd., W.; To give medical aid to the poor, and attend on poor women during confinement on payment of a small sum monthly.

Western Dispensary; 1789 & 1879; 38, Rochester Row, Westminster; To gratuitously relieve the sick poor at the Dispensary, or at their homes, also lying-in women, and for the provision of medical attendance, etc., to provident members. There is a Convalescent Branch.

Western General Dispensary; 1830; Cosway Street, Marylebone Road, N.W.; To provide medical and surgical aid and nurses for the sick poor - also midwives and medicine for poor women in their confinement at their own homes.

Western Ophthalmic Hospital; 1856; Marylebone Rd., nr. to Baker St., and Edgware Road Stations; The Treatment if poor persons suffering from diseases of the eye.

Western Skin Hospital; 1851; 44-46, Hampstead Road, N.W.; The treatment of poor persons suffering from diseases of the skin.

Westminster General Dispensary (Incorporating, 1907, St. George's and St. James's Dispensary); 1774; 9, Gerrard Street, Soho, W.; Free medical and surgical relief of the sick poor.

Westminster Hospital; 1719, Incor. 1836; Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, S.W.; To receive and treat the sick and injured poor.

Herbert Fry's Royal Guide to the London Charities, 1917