Victorian London - Photography and Optical - Victorian Optical Devices - Photodrome

POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION. Among the pantomimes of the season we must not forget to mention the dissolving-view representation of Cinderella at this hall of science. Both as a fairy tale and a pantomime this performance is excellent, and includes some new effects which will ensure its complete popularity. ..... Professor Pepper, too, in "A Strange Lecture" explains some of the wonders produced by the "Photodrome" a new and beautiful optical apparatus invented and constructed by Thomas Rose, Esq., of Glasgow, which causes phantoms to appear at will, so as to produce the full impression of reality, though at the same time a real body will pass through them. A new source of illusion is thus prepared for the stage, and will be taken advantage of by experienced managers.

advertisement, Illustrated London News, Jan. 3rd 1863