[The editor would like to acknowledge the contribution of Mr. Dick Collins, for his encouragement and dedicated proof-reading, without which this online edition of The Mysteries in London would probably have remained a work in progress. ]
Brief Introduction by Dick Collins
Title Page
Chapter I - The House in Smithfield
Chapter II - The Mysteries of the Old House
Chapter III - The Trap-Door
Chapter IV - The Two Trees
Chapter V - Eligible Acquaintances
Chapter VI - Mrs. Arlington
Chapter VII - The Boudoir
Chapter VIII - The Conversation
Chapter IX - A City Man. Smithfield Scenes.
Chapter X - The Frail One's Narrative
Chapter XI - "The Servants' Arms"
Chapter XII - Bank Notes
Chapter XIII - The Hell
Chapter XIV - The Station-House
Chapter XV - The Police-Office
Chapter XVI - The Beginning of Misfortunes
Chapter XVII - A Den of Horrors
Chapter XVIII - The Boozing-Ken
Chapter XIX - Morning
Chapter XX - The Villa
Chapter XXI - Atrocity
Chapter XXII - A Woman's Mind
Chapter XXIII - The Old House in Smithfield Again
Chapter XXIV - Circumstantial Evidence
Chapter XXV - The Enchantress
Chapter XXVI - Newgate
Chapter XXVII - The Republican and the Resurrection Man
Chapter XXVIII - The Dungeon
Chapter XXIX - The Black Chamber
Chapter XXX - The 26th of November
Chapter XXXI - Explanations
Chapter XXXII - The Old Bailey
Chapter XXXIII - Another Day at the Old Bailey
Chapter XXXIV - The Lesson Interrupted
Chapter XXXV - Whitecross-street Prison
Chapter XXXVI - The Execution
Chapter XXXVII - The Lapse of Two Years
Chapter XXXVIII - The Visit
Chapter XXXIX - The Dream
Chapter XL - The Speculation. - An Unwelcome Meeting
Chapter XLI - Mr. Greenwood
Chapter XLII - The Dark House
Chapter XLIII - The Mummy
Chapter XLIV - The Body-Snatchers
Chapter XLV - The Fruitless Search
Chapter XLVI - Richard and Isabella
Chapter XLVII - Eliza Sydney
Chapter XLVIII - Mr. Greenwood's Visitors
Chapter XLIX - The Document
Chapter L - The Drugged Wine-Glass
Chapter LI - Diana and Eliza
Chapter LII - The Bed of Sickness
Chapter LIII - Accusations and Explanations
Chapter LIV - The Banker
Chapter LV - Miserimma!!!
Chapter LVI - The Road to Ruin
Chapter LVII - The Last Resource
Chapter LVIII - New Year's Day
Chapter LIX - The Royal Lovers
Chapter LX - Revelations
Chapter LXI - The "Boozing Ken" Once More
Chapter LXII - The Resurrection Man's History
Chapter LXIII - The Plot
Chapter LXIV - The Counterplot
Chapter LXV - The Wrongs and Crimes of the Poor
Chapter LXVI - The Result of Markham's Enterprise
Chapter LXVII - Scenes in Fashionable Life
Chapter LXVIII - The Election
Chapter LXIX - The "Whippers-In."
Chapter LXX - The Image, The Picture, and The Statue
Chapter LXXI - The House of Commons
Chapter LXXII - The Black Chamber Again
Chapter LXXIII - Captain Dapper and Sir Cherry Bounce
Chapter LXXIV - The Meeting
Chapter LXXV - The Crisis
Chapter LXXVI - Count Alteroni's Fifteen Thousand Pounds
Chapter LXXVII - A Woman's Secret
Chapter LXXVIII - Marian
Chapter LXXIX - The Bill. - A Father.
Chapter LXXX - The Revelation
Chapter LXXXI - The Mysterious Instructions
Chapter LXXXII - The Medical Man
Chapter LXXXIII - The Black Chamber Again
Chapter LXXXIV - The Second Examination - Count Alteroni.
Chapter LXXXV - A Friend in Need
Chapter LXXXVI - The Old Hag
Chapter LXXXVII - The Professor of Mesmerism
Chapter LXXXVIII - The Figurante
Chapter LXXXIX - The Mysterious Letter
Chapter XC - Markham's Occupations
Chapter XCI - The Tragedy
Chapter XCII - The Italian Valet
Chapter XCIII - News from Castelcicala
Chapter XCIV - The Home Office
Chapter XCV - The Forger and the Adulteress
Chapter XCVI - The Member of Parliament's Levee
Chapter XCVII - Another New Year's Day
Chapter XCVIII - Dark Plots and Schemes
Chapter XCIX - The Buffer's History
Chapter C - The Mysteries of the Ground-Floor Rooms
Chapter CI - The Widow
Chapter CII - The Reverend Visitor
Chapter CIII - Hopes and Fears
Chapter CIV - Female Courage
Chapter CV - The Combat
Chapter CVI - The Grave-Digger
Chapter CVII - A Discovery
Chapter CVIII - The Exhumation
Chapter CIX - The Stock-Broker
Chapter CX - The Effects of a Trance
Chapter CXI - A Scene at Mr. Chichester's House
Chapter CXII - Viola
Chapter CXIII - The Lovers
Chapter CXIV - The Contents of the Packet
Chapter CXV - The Treasure. - A New Idea
Chapter CXVI - The Rattlesnake's History
Chapter CXVII - The Rattlesnake
Chapter CXVIII - The Two Maidens
Chapter CXIX - Poor Ellen!
Chapter CXX - The Father and Daughter
Chapter CXXI - His Child!
Chapter CXXII - A Change of Fortune
Chapter CXXIII - Aristocratic Morals
Chapter CXXIV - The Intrigues of a Demirep
Chapter CXXV - The Reconciliation
Chapter CXXVI - The Rector of Saint David's
Chapter CXXVII - Blandishments
Chapter CXXVIII - Temptation
Chapter CXXIX - The Fall
Chapter CXXX - Mental Struggles
Chapter CXXXI - The Statue
Chapter CXXXII - An Old Friend
Chapter CXXXIII - Skilligalee's History
Chapter CXXXIV - The Palace in the Holy Land
Chapter CXXXV - The Proposal. - Unexpected Meetings
Chapter CXXXVI - The Secret Tribunal
Epilogue to Volume I.
Chapter CXXXVII - Rat's Castle
Chapter CXXXVIII - A Public Functionary
Chapter CXXXIX - The Confidence
Chapter CXL - Incidents in the Gipsy Palace
Chapter CXLI - The Subterranean
Chapter CXLII - Gibbet
Chapter CXLIII - Morbid Feelings. - Katherine
Chapter CXLIV - The Unfinished Letter
Chapter CXLV - Hypocrisy
Chapter CXLVI - The Bath. - The Housekeeper
Chapter CXLVII - The Rector's New Passion
Chapter CXLVIII - The Old Hag's Intrigue
Chapter CXLIX - The Masquerade
Chapter CL - Mrs. Kenrick
Chapter CLI - A Mysterious Deed
Chapter CLII - The Death Bed
Chapter CLIII - Proceedings in Castelcicala
Chapter CLIV - Reflections. - The New Prison
Chapter CLV - Patriotism
Chapter CLVI - The Decision
Chapter CLVII - The Trial of Katherine Wilmot
Chapter CLVIII - A Happy Party
Chapter CLIX - The Interview
Chapter CLX - The Rector in Newgate
Chapter CLXI - Lady Cecilia Harborough
Chapter CLXII - The Bequest
Chapter CLXIII - The Zingarees
Chapter CLXIV - The Executioner's History
Chapter CLXV - The Trace
Chapter CLXVI - The Thames
Chapter CLXVII - An Arrival at
the Wharf
Chapter CLXVIII - The Plague
Chapter CLXIX - The Pursuit
Chapter CLXX - The Black Veil
Chapter CLXXI - Mr. Greenwood's
Dinner Party
Chapter CLXXII - The Mysteries
of Holmesford House
Chapter CLXXIII - The Adieux
Chapter CLXXIV - Castelcicala
Chapter CLXXV - Montoni
Chapter CLXXVI - The Club-House
Chapter CLXXVII - The History of an Unfortunate Woman
Chapter CLXXVIII - The Tavern at Friuli
Chapter CLXXIX - The Journey
Chapter CLXXX - The "Boozing-Ken" Once More
Chapter CLXXXI - The Resurrection Man Again
Chapter CLXXXII - Mr. Greenwood's Journey
Chapter CLXXXIII - Kind Friends
Chapter CLXXXIV - Estella
Chapter CLXXXV - Another New Year's Day
Chapter CLXXXVI - The New Cut
Chapter CLXXXVII - The Forged Bills
Chapter CLXXXVIII - The Battles of Piacere and Abrantani
Chapter CLXXXIX - The Battle of Montoni
Chapter CXC - Two of our Old Acquaintances
Chapter CXCI - Crankey Jem's History
Chapter CXCII - The Mint. - The Forty Thieves
Chapter CXCIII - Another Visit to Buckingham Palace
Chapter CXCIV - The Royal Breakfast
Chapter CXCV - The Aristocratic Villain and the Low Miscreant
Chapter CXCVI - The Old Hag and the Resurrection Man
Chapter CXCVII - Ellen and Katherine
Chapter CXCVIII - A Gloomy Visitor
Chapter CXCIX - The Orphan's Filial Love
Chapter CC - A Maiden's Love
Chapter CCI - The Handsome Stranger. - Disappointment
Chapter CCII - The Princess Isabella
Chapter CCIII - Ravensworth Hall
Chapter CCIV - The Bride and Bridegroom
Chapter CCV - The Breakfast
Chapter CCVI - The Patrician Lady and the Unfortunate Woman
Chapter CCVII - The Husband, The Wife, and the Unfortunate Woman
Chapter CCVIII - The Resurrection Man's House in Globe Town
Chapter CCIX - Alderman Sniff. - Tomlinson and Greenwood
Chapter CCX - Holford's Studies
Chapter CCXI - The Deed
Chapter CCXII - The Examination at the Home Office
Chapter CCXIII - The Tortures of Lady Ravensworth
Chapter CCXIV - The Duellists
Chapter CCXV - The Voices in the Ruins
Chapter CCXVI - The Progress of Lydia Hutchinson's Vengeance
Chapter CCXVII - The Prisoner in the Subterranean
Chapter CCXVIII - The Veiled Visitor
Chapter CCXIX - The Murder
Chapter CCXX - The Effect of the Oriental Tobacco. - The Old Hag's Papers
Chapter CCXXI - The Return to England
Chapter CCXXII - The Arrival at Home
Chapter CCXXIII - The Marriage
Chapter CCXXIV - Mr. Banks's House in Globe Lane
Chapter CCXXV - The Old Hag's History
Chapter CCXXVI - The Marquis of Holmesford
Chapter CCXXVII - Coldbath Fields' Prison
Chapter CCXXVIII - A Desperate Achievement
Chapter CCXXIX - The Widow
Chapter CCXXX - Bethlem Hospital
Chapter CCXXXI - Mr. Greenwood and Mr. Vernon
Chapter CCXXXII - Scenes at Ravensworth Hall
Chapter CCXXXIII - A Welcome Friend
Chapter CCXXXIV - A Midnight Scene of Mystery
Chapter CCXXXV - Plots and Counter-Plots
Chapter CCXXXVI - Woman as she Ought to be
Chapter CCXXXVII - The Jugglers
Chapter CCXXXVIII - The Performance
Chapter CCXXXIX - The Resurrection Man's Return Home
Chapter CCXL - A New Epoch
Chapter CCXLI - Crockford's
Chapter CCXLII - The Aunt
Chapter CCXLIII - The Fight. - The Ruined Gamester
Chapter CCXLIV - The History of a Gamester
Chapter CCXLV - The Excursion
Chapter CCXLVI - The Party at Ravensworth Hall
Chapter CCXLVII - The Stranger Who Discovered The Corpse
Chapter CCXLVIII - An Unpleasant Exposure
Chaper CCXLIX - The Resurrection Man's Last Feat at Ravensworth Hall
Chapter CCL - Egerton's Last Dinner Party
Chapter CCLI - The Obstinate Patient
Chapter CCLII - Death of the Marquis of Holmesford
Chapter CCLIII - The Ex-Member for Rottenborough
Chapter CCLIV - Further Misfortunes
Chapter CCLV - Gibbet at Markham Place
Chapter CCLVI - Eliza Sydney and Ellen. - The Hospital
Chapter CCLVII - The Revenge
Chapter CCLVIII - The Appointment Kept
Chapter CCLIX - Conclusion